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How to michael kors online outlet cheap michael kors bags trademark my handbag designs

Hello.My name is velvet, and today we are going to discuss how to trademark your handbags and trademarking is very important.It's the first aspect of design when starting your business as an entrepreneur.In order to protect your logo or your designs or protect yourself from any competitors that might have bags or logos or taglines that are similar to yours, you would want to take the steps of trademarking your bags.It's a very easy thing to do.You can just, basically, when cheap michael kors bags you're ready to do the first steps, go to google, put in like maybe your tagline, see what comes up, put in your logo, put in designs, see what happens.Secondly, once you see that your search has maybe not had what you are looking for, what you can then do is start going toward using a trademark company.Trademark companies are the best.They actually do the legwork for you and i know that we are all busy entrepreneurs and sometimes we don't have the time to go running around doing paperwork.So, when you use a trademark company, they'll do an immediate search for you and let you know what logos are out there and they'll actually give you tips and pointers on how to maybe change your logo if it's closer to another logo or change your designs if you're similar to a bigger, name brand design.Prices range from $35.00 to $500.00 depending on what exactly you need trademarked.You can then think about also that add in a factor of an attorney fee because sometimes they do have an attorney fee depending on the trademark company.Some are already put in and some are an extra fee depending on how intricate your design is.If you don't want to go that route, there's another thing called the service mark.Service marks you can do through the united states postal service.It's actually a little bit more affordable, but it's not as detailed as a trademark.It can protect you, but the trademarking protects you even better.

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