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A very sublime nine

Okay, because i been bitching so damn much about this overly hyped wedding of tomkat cristina gibson right hand awful colleague i figured it was high time we delivered a little somethin we actually veddy happy about these days.

Here what, exactly, makes our lives worth getting up in the ayem, no joke.Without further ado, let get to all the h town crapola we utterly thankful for this holiday season!

No, we not appreciative of k fed because of the musical genius of"Popoz or his penchant for baggy pants.But we are quite grateful that he was the dubious dude brit chose to hook up with.Let face it:Brit was always dying to rebel and choose a bad boy who would shock the public.She was sick of being controlled by managers, mom, record execs and the public, so she went and got herself hitched to someone with seemingly no redeeming qualities perf sense to me.

So, a year later, britney had enough of said greasy dude in her life and sends him packin whorey hoo ray!Now, she back with her old manager, larry rudolph, she america sweetheart again and she on her way toward a comeback(Although i not sure how much hanging pantless with paris in sin city will help).See, if she hadn picked someone so sucky to marry, this thing coulda dragged on for years years, la whitney and bobby.So, kev, we salute you helping brit see the loser light so damn quickly.Yay!

We gotta give kudos to the supposed media bane of celebs existences.What other peeps, besides those precious paps, would have the dedication to stand outside hyde, night after night, for friggin hours on end, just to capture tara reid getting denied at the door?I ask you:What other selfless species on earth would relentlessly chase lindsay lohan down robertson boulevard every day, just so we can all know exactly what kind of salad she ate at the ivy or what clothing she purchased at kitson? (Speaking of, linds babe, you might wanna invest in some undies. )And just think of the countless football soccer games these shutterbugs on crack have endured to get yet another shot of tomkat cheering on the sidelines!Really, we can thank them enough for allowing the public to gaze upon these priceless moments.

Here in t town, where dodging tough questions is de rigueur and"No comment"Is constantly heard, we applauding honest celebs such as jason lee.And he gets extra snaps for spilling the beans so easily.See, way back at the stuff mag party, i asked if he had any well wishes for jaime pressly, who just gotten engaged.And he not only gave props to her as a future wife as a future mama, too!Talk about a journalists jackpot:A juicy answer to a harmless question.A wrist slap, as she lied and denied about expecting for ages, but it her womb, right?Guess it her right.

Oh, and thatReichen lehmkuhl gets a nice facial expression honesty award, too absolutely blanching when desk south beach asked when, exactly, mr.R.First knew he was in love with lance.Can startled eyes actually say

Stars take themselves so damn seriously, especially when they tawk and tawk about their work.That news flash said, it always quite refreshing when these famous folk can inject a little irony and sarcasm into the me me me mix.Chad lowe did just that when he was introducing his directorial debut, beautiful ohio, at the afi fest.After blabbing the film and rifling off a long list of thank yous, chad paused and said,"I wouldn want to forget anyone"Before dissolving in hysterical laughter.This obvious reference to hil leaving him out of her thank yous during her first oscar acceptance speech had the audience in stitches.

Still haven gotten over that one, huh, chad?

I also grateful when those big, bad celebs slip up every now and then you?Just it proves they ordinary peeps, like you and moi.Take mischa barton at the ray ban wayfarer sessions, for ince.After mischa had her glamour ass turn on the red carpet, she took a nasty spill up in the vip room in front of all the posh partiers.Never fear, miz b.Picked herself up and handled it like a pro.

Also havin embarrassing moments in public:Paris hilton, after the jay z concert in vegas this weekend.My fave svelte doll, and yours, spent most of the concert checking herself out in her compact and quenching her thirst with swigs from a bottle of grey goose.After jay z was done, p.Got up to perform two songs from her album.She opened her mouth what came pouring out was definitely not sweet music.Nerves getting the best of you, babe?

Or is that oops subcategory of man recycling exhausting ya?I mean, cristina i adore so how babes recycle romances better than they do paper, and such, in this town.Stavros has been shared by, well, let see, mary kate olsen, paris, linds, etc., right?And what about those quasi sex ay studs harry morton and matt leinart?In other words, is that a gun or a disposable dude in your pocket?Whoops!

Mel gibson gawd, are we ever happy your drunken ass got pulled over.Finally, the world got to ray ban sunglasses for men hear how you really felt regarding those subjects you had, heretofore, filtered through overly long movies with incomprehensible languages.Who knew all it took was a(Big)Bottle o booze and a"Sugar"Bosomed cop to find out how you, deep down inside, felt about women and jews.Can wait to hear the diatribes when a gay copper pulls you over next time!

And michael richards and isaiah washington:Honorary drumsticks to you, too angry girls.So glad we all know how you two also really feel!Bigotry gonna disappear, pronto, with jokers like you around.

Here to a happy, happy holiday(And an even toastier, more roastier 2007)!And please beg of you kind to cristina, who is covering for me next week while i on vacation.After all, she may be a tough jersey broad, but she still my favorite go to goss gal.

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